October 18, 2012 Meeting Summary Vice President of Education, Nina Minary opened the evening and introduced our guests Richard and Jared. This evening was packed full of speeches and table topics. The Toastmaster for the evening was Eric Dunham who was working on his final project for the Advance Communicator Bronze award. His objective for […]
October 11, 2012 Meeting Summary
October 11, 2012 Meeting Summary Believe it or not, we started our last meeting on time, 7 pm promptly, and ended at 8:01 pm. See the photo on PTM Facebook page, as the evidence. What great news for those of you who value time! Nikita Kazakov, as a first time Toastmaster, opened up the meeting with […]
October 4, 2012 Meeting Notes
By Eric Dunham, President What a great evening at Parker Toastmasters. One of our newer members, Tina Sorenson took the reins and was our Toastmaster for the evening. She was awesome. The meeting was very well organized and ran very smoothly. Her organization and forethought shined. Sundeep Gopagoni is our newest member. He joined the […]
Meeting Highlights: August 23, 2012
by Jodi Michael Horner Public Relations Officer Short and Sweet One club speaker and one guest speaker made for a short and sweet meeting. Eric Dunham inspired us with his Specialty Speech #2. He implored us to strengthen our country. See his speech here. Our Guest Speaker, Alan Swartz, had won the Area […]
Meeting Highlights August 16, 2012
By Jodi Michael Horner Public Relations Officer A terrific meeting all told… …but it certainly presented some challenges! Everyone had done their work in advance with preparing their speeches and roles, and everyone (including yours truly!) was on time. However when the room that the club usually uses is locked one must exercise rapid resourcefulness. […]
Fall 2012 Club Contest
by Jodi Michael Horner Contest Chair FALL CLUB CONTEST HUMOROUS & EVALUTION Thursday, September 13, 2012 “The best thing you can do to improve is participate in the contests.” ~Anonymous Sagely Gentleman, TLI July 2011 WHAT: Humorous Contest and Evaluation Contest WHO: Every member of the Parker Toastmasters is eligible to compete in either […]
contest, fall contestLet’s Recap! July 26th Meeting Highlights
by Jodi Michael Horner Public Relations Officer *for videos of each speech please click on the links embedded in the speakers’ paragraph. Our weekly meetings have yielded abundant results in numbers. First, our attendance has increased. Last Thursday’s meeting sported 16 in attendance, including one new guest (and now member) Shari Beaudette. Secondly–speaking of new members–the additional […]
The first meeting of the new club year was a huge success and highlighted by our guest speaker. There were 19 members and guests in attendance. What a show of Parker Power. Our President, Eric Dunham called the meeting order and acted as the Toastmaster for the evening. The agenda was packed which is becoming the […]
Summary for the Last Meeting of the 2011-12 Year
by Jodi Michael Horner I don’t know about the rest of y’all but I’m still getting used to our new one-hour weekly format! That isn’t to say I don’t love it–I absolutely do. I guess it sort of feels like a TIVO version of our previous bi-weekly meetings that were an hour-and-a-half in length. With […]
2011-12 Last Meeting
President Joanna Knott handed the gavel over to President-Elect Eric Dunham at 2011-12’s last meeting on June 28, 2012. As usual, it was a meeting with lots of participation, enthusiasm and fun. Congratulations to Eric’s new officers Nina Minary, Bruce Ekins, Jodi Michael Horner, Joanna Knott, Bill Bevard and Nikita Kazakov. [slickr-flickr tag=”2012_Last_Meeting” border=”on” type=”slideshow” […]