We had an amazing meeting last Thursday and I would like to thank all who attended.
I would like to welcome three new members to our Club: Stacy Hayden, Santhi Malasani and Jyoti Jani, it is great to have you! Our Club is growing which is a fantastic thing!
Eric Dunham completed his Competent Communicator Manual giving us a speech titled “Random Act” on doing good deeds, making people smile and paying it forward. It was a very inspiring speech and a great accomplishment as well! Congratulations, Eric!
Jodi Michael Horner delivered a very informational speech regarding Parker Water and Sanitation District management and encouraged us all to pay attention to our water bills and property tax statements. Perhaps we should all attend one of the meetings and participate in a discussion on where our money goes and why we pay so much for water in Parker. It was Jodi’s speech #7, entitled “Something is Rotten in the State of Denmark”. Three more to go Jodi! 🙂
In his speech titled ” Running in Cycles”, Nikita Kazakov talked about importance of giving our bodies a proper amount of rest so it can recoup from hard work, either mental or physical. Nikita compared the human body to an engine which can overheat and blow up if we don’t bring it to stop for a while. It was another well-delivered speech and we look forward to your next one, Nikita.
Caroline Nguyen also delivered speech #7 from the Competent Communicator manual and she is on a fast track to achieve her CC Award by end of the year. Caroline spoke about different ways to prevent cancer: proper nutrition, exercise, right amount of rest and relaxation, including proper breathing in order to deliver oxygen to all organs. The speech was very well organized and delivered as well and Caroline is becoming a more confident speaker every time she presents a speech.
The best speakers voted were Eric and Nikita. Congratulations!
Eric Dunham was the Table Topic Master and invited all to talk about their most scary or memorable Halloween experience. Among the participants were: Jodi Michael Horner, Nikita Kazakov and Kellan Stephens, who won the Best Table Topic.
Evaluating speeches is not an easy job as it requires good listening skills, ability to provide objective feedback and constructive criticism. The best evaluation was delivered by Jodi who evaluated Eric’s speech and did it in a very professional way.
The other 3 evaluators, Bill Bevard, Kellan Stephens, and Caroline Nguyen also delivered very positive and valuable evaluations.
The meeting would not be complete without the following volunteers:
Timer – Nikita
Grammarian – Jodi
General Evaluator – Eric
Thanks for attending the meeting and actively participating! Remember: you get what you give…
We have a full agenda for the November 10th meeting, with 6 speeches and a guest speaker so make sure you mark your calendar.
Again, great job everybody! Keep up the great work!
Best regards,
Velma aka Joanna Knott
Parker Toastmasters