President’s Message for 2016-17
30th Anniversary Celebration Year
Welcome, and thank you for visiting the Parker Toastmasters website. Toastmasters International has been developing speakers and leaders for over ninety years. Whether you are new to speaking, would like to improve your speaking skills, or develop and refine your leadership skills, we welcome you to Parker Toastmasters.
Parker Toastmasters is a diverse group of around 25 members who meet every Thursday night to practice our speaking and leadership skills in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Our meetings provide a safe and supportive environment where you can build self-confidence, develop new skills, refine your speaking technique, hear some great speeches, and even participate in club leadership.
This year the club celebrates our 30 year anniversary as a Chartered Toastmaster club. Since our beginning, Parker Toastmasters has been involved in our community developing competent speakers, effective leaders, developing youth leaders and volunteering with a variety of charities.
The theme for the 2016-2017 membership year is “Energy and Transformation”. We each bring a unique set of skills and experience to our club. Each member motivates and inspires others to take the next step in developing their speeches and leadership skills. This energy and inspiration is what makes Parker Toastmasters unique and drives member success and growth. Our members transform their skills to become better speakers and more effective leaders. At Parker Toastmasters, our members don’t just read about leadership, they practice leadership and lead in our community.
Whether you’re facing job interviews, working to develop your language skills, challenged by speaking in front of a group, interested in developing a career that includes public speaking or just thinking this could be fun, please come by for a visit. Our meetings are open to visitors and you’re always welcome. Every meeting starts at 7:00 PM sharp, so come by a little early so we can welcome you before the meeting begins. We frequently welcome in new faces eager to see our club in action, so chances are you won’t be alone.
I look forward to seeing you at our next meeting.
Eric Dunham, DTM
President, Parker Toastmasters “Talk of the Town”